In Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland (regions in The Netherlands), the first BoviLabs are now in use. Van Duin tot Dijk in Winkel (N.-H.), Dierenartsenpraktijk Monnickendam (N.-H.) and Dierenartsenpraktijk Oude-Tonge (Z.-H.) have started using a BoviLab last month.
During the installation of BoviLab, Mark van Kleef, bovine veterinarian and distributor of BoviLab, provides the practice owners with training on the BoviLab concept and the role of blood analysis within it. Van Kleef also schedules a follow-up appointment to discuss the first blood test results and to support the practice in integrating BoviLab into their consulting advisory services for clients.
We wish all practices much enjoyment and success with the BoviLab concept!