BoviLab is a useful tool for monitoring the transition period. This is mentioned in the content of the American Dairy Science Association (ASDA) from 2023. During a study, blood samples were collected from 330 Holstein cows. This occurred on day 14 before or on day 3 or 14 after calving. The results indicate that BoviLab performs comparably to laboratory tests.
In a Japanese study, blood from 230 Holstein cows from five dairy farms was analyzed. This research focused on non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA’s) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). The post-calving energy balance is measured in the blood through BHB levels and NEFA’s. It provides insights into the degree of the negative energy balance (NEB) and the occurrence of hyperketonemia (ketosis).
The research results show that the on-farm blood analysis device (BoviLab) delivers valid performance for evaluating NEFA’s and BHB in the blood. Especially in the last part of the dry period (close-up), it is effective to measure the degree of NEB. Evaluating the degree of NEB and hyperketonemia can be a crucial tool for monitoring at herd-level and for early detection of disorders.