Mark van Kleef

Kvægdyrlægerne Kronborg

Mirjam Steffensen in Denmark utilizes BoviLab

Mirjam Steffensen from the veterinary practice Kronborg (Kvægdyrlægerne Kronborg) has been using a BoviLab since mid-November. In Denmark, vets mainly use the ‘Danish system’ to guide dairy farms. This system particularly focuses on fresh cows. All fresh cows are examined after calving and scored on many points. This often includes a ketone measurement, conducted through …

Mirjam Steffensen in Denmark utilizes BoviLab Read More »

Optimizing health during the transition period: insights and solutions

In the agricultural sector, numerous studies have been conducted to gain insight into the relationship between conditions during the transition period and the performance of dairy cows during lactation. These studies shed light on incidence and provide recommendations for farmers and veterinarians. A study from 2012, published in the Journal of Dairy Science, reveals incidence …

Optimizing health during the transition period: insights and solutions Read More »

Bert van Niejenhuis Dierenartsengroep Rivierenland Mark van Kleef BoviLab

Dierenartsengroep Rivierenland utilizes BoviLab

Bert van Niejenhuis (on the left in the photo) of Dierenartsengroep Rivierenland is an user of BoviLab in the Netherlands. On Wednesday, October 25, Mark van Kleef handed over a BoviLab to Van Niejenhuis at Dierenartsengroep Rivierenland. Van Niejenhuis is one of the initiators of VETWERK. This is an app linked to the management program …

Dierenartsengroep Rivierenland utilizes BoviLab Read More »

BoviLab Mark van Kleef bloodanalysis

BoviLab emphasizes diverse blood parameters

BoviLab serves as a monitoring device for the transition period. With that, the focus is not only on calcium and fatty acids (NEFA’s) but also on other parameters you measure in the blood. Bovine veterinarian Mark van Kleef has introduced the Japan-based BoviLab to the Netherlands. He frequently analyses blood during his farm visits. During …

BoviLab emphasizes diverse blood parameters Read More »